Best Optifine Settings for FPS Boost

By | July 19, 2024

Best Optifine Settings for FPS Boost

After installing Optifine, just pick Optifine from the drop-down version menu in your launcher and run it. After opening the game, head over to the options and then video settings to apply the best Optifine settings for FPS.

Graphics (Fast recommended):

  • Fabulous: Increases quality of translucent blocks, lowering FPS and making it the slowest option.
  • Fancy: Increases the quality of the game, decreasing FPS.
  • Fast: Lowers the overall quality of the game but increases performance and FPS.

Smooth Lighting (OFF recommended):

  • OFF: No smoothing, making the game faster.
  • Minimum: Simple lighting, balancing both quality and FPS.
  • Maximum: Most complex lighting, making the overall game slower.

Smooth Lighting Level (OFF recommended)

GUI Scale (1 recommended):

  • Keep it as small as you can. Smaller sizes are considered the fastest. Values above 3 are only available for 4K displays.

Dynamic Lighting (OFF recommended):

  • OFF: No dynamic lighting.
  • Fast: Dynamic lighting with 500ms latency.
  • Fancy: Real-time dynamic lighting with 0ms latency.

Shaders (OFF recommended):

Just turn your shaders off. Minecraft shaders are the most resource-intensive, so disable them for more FPS. Enabling shaders can conflict with other Optifine settings for FPS boost, making your game laggy.

Render Distance (2-6 recommended):

Keep render distance as small as you can. If you’re using an old PC and struggling with FPS, drag it to the lowest setting (2). This will make your game look ugly but will surely increase your FPS.

Max Framerate (Max/Vsync recommended):

Keep it at max or Vsync. Enabling Vsync will limit your FPS to the refresh rate of your monitor. Keeping it at max is the same thing, though it will increase FPS; extra FPS above the refresh rate won’t be visible.

View Bobbing:

Enables bobbing of the character while walking. It does not affect performance.

Entity Shadows: Optional (You can keep it on or off according to your preference)

Attack Indicator: Optional

Dynamic FOV: Adds an extra field of view while running or flying. It does not affect FPS.


Mipmap Level (OFF recommended):

Enables smoothing of blocks for realism.

Mipmap Type (Nearest recommended):

Allows you to change the distance of the Mipmapping.

Anisotropic Filtering (OFF recommended):

Filters out the details while using Mipmapping.

Antialiasing (OFF recommended):

Smooths sharpened colors and jagged lines.

Emissive Textures (OFF recommended)

Better Grass (OFF recommended)

Custom Fonts (OFF recommended)

Connected Textures (OFF recommended)

Custom Sky (OFF recommended)

Custom Entity Models (OFF recommended)

Random Entities (OFF recommended)

Better Snow (OFF recommended)

Custom Colors (OFF recommended)

Natural Textures (OFF recommended)

Custom Items (OFF recommended)

Custom GUIs (OFF recommended)


Clouds (OFF recommended):

  • Fast: Enables 2D clouds.
  • Fancy: Enables 3D clouds.

Trees (Fast recommended):

  • Fast: Low quality, fastest.
  • Fancy: High quality, slowest.
  • Smart: Balances between Fast and Fancy.

Sky (OFF recommended)

Sun and Moon (OFF recommended)

Fog (OFF recommended)

Translucent Blocks (Fast recommended)

Dropped Items (Fast recommended)

Vignette (Fast recommended)

Entity Distance (50% recommended)

Clouds Height (OFF recommended)

Rain and Snow (OFF recommended):

You can set it to Fast if you need visible rain and snow in the game.

Stars (OFF recommended)

Show Capes (Optional)

Fog Starts (0.2 recommended):

It will not affect performance if you have already turned fog OFF.

Held Item ToolTips (OFF recommended)

Swamp Colors (OFF recommended)

Alternate Blocks (OFF recommended)

Biome Blend (OFF recommended)

Animations (Turn all OFF recommended):

Particles (Minimal recommended)


Render Regions (ON recommended)

Smart Chunks (ON recommended)

Smooth FPS (ON recommended)

Chunk Update (1 recommended)

Lazy Chunk Loading (ON recommended)

Fast Render: Turn it ON if you have a remarkably good CPU.

Fast Math: Turn it ON if you have a remarkably good CPU.

Smooth World (ON recommended)

Dynamic Updates (ON recommended)


Lagometer (OFF recommended)

Show FPS (ON recommended): Turn it on to check your FPS in real-time without having to press F3 repeatedly.

Weather (OFF recommended)

Fullscreen (ON recommended): Running your game in fullscreen will increase your FPS because your CPU/GPU provides more stress on your game rather than conflicting with background processes.

Screenshot Size (Keep it default): Capturing large screenshots will use more memory.

Debug Profiler (OFF recommended)

Advanced Tooltips (OFF recommended)

Time (Default recommended)

Autosave (6 mins recommended)

Show GL Errors (Optional)

These are the best Optifine settings for FPS boost. If you really need more FPS, you may have to compromise on game quality, but gaming performance is often more important than quality. Use these Optifine settings for FPS and lag reduction, and hopefully, your game will run at its best after applying these settings.

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